U.S. helicopter crash probe

The United States military tried to ascertain whether the rebels shot down a helicopter in Afghanistan that killed 38 people on Saturday (6 / 8), the majority of U.S. citizens.

The death toll of which is a member of Navy Seals, the command of Afghanistan, air force personnel, the crew of Chinook and civilian translator.

The death toll among which are 30 Americans are the biggest killers of Americans in a single incident.

Officials, witnesses and the Taliban said the Chinook was shot down rebels during the war mission.

The helicopter crashed in Wardak province, west of Kabul.
The operation is very important

The presence of at least 17 ​​members of the Seals led to speculation they were involved in the operation is very important, such as rebel attacks on key figures.

U.S. sources say they are part of the unit of Navy Seals, Team Six, which kill Osama Bin Laden, but "unlikely" the same people.

U.S. officials declined to make sure the cause of the accident but some people say their beliefs to some news agencies that the Chinook was shot down.

Afghan officials in the province of Wardak said the Taliban rockets on the plane. A local resident witnesses the incident, told the BBC he saw the Chinook burning due to fire rockets.

The Taliban claimed they shot down the helicopter because the attack involved a home in Wardak where the rebels are being met.

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